

Preschool and School Support

Director and educator collaboration and training, Parent support and coaching, Screenings, 1:1 therapy, Group therapy.

Pragmatic and Social Skills

1:1 instruction, social pairings, and group sessions to practice learned skills including initiating conversation, turn taking, cooperative play.

Orofacial Myofunctional Treatment and Tethered Oral Tissues

Treatment focus on oral and facial growth and development including appropriate tongue resting posture and swallow patterns, establishing nasal breathing, improving speech sound treatment, and eliminating oral habits, such as thumb sucking. “Tongue-Tie” or tethered oral tissue collaboration with airway-centered dentists, orthodontists, ENTs, and more.

Manual Therapy

Direct, hands on therapy for clients with head and neck including issues, including the jaw, mouth, and tongue. Supports oral-motor, breathing, swallowing, and voice intervention.


Provide parent coaching and 1:1 therapy via online platform.

Speech Sounds and Articulation Treatment

Treatment of how speech sounds are pronounced and patterns of development.

Language Treatment

Treatment focused on how we combine and use words to communicate (expressive language) and what we understand (receptive language).

Fluency and Stuttering

Treatment and coaching for fluency disorders including stuttering from preschool to adult.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Instruction, coaching, and treatment with using a variety of AAC methods to support verbal and non verbal speech and language. Examples include high-tech (speech generative devices), low-tech (communication boards), unaided (facial expression, gestures).

We keep service costs down by not requiring formal testing and reports, unless requested. This gives us the ability to define therapy goals specifically suited for you or your child. We pride ourselves on working with you as a team. Together we determine services and goals based on individual needs.

At this time, we accept private pay and do not work with insurance companies directly. Pricing is determined based on service, location, and length.